I choose this week to talk about RCC gateway College and SBVC Middle College. Some may ask what is this ? Well that is easy it’s a High school and a collage in one. The Middle College High School located on the SBVC campus, is a 3-year high school that reaches out to students with high potential but who may be struggling on a regular high school campus. Students spend mornings in Valley College courses and the afternoon taking high school classes in English, math and science. Students can graduate with an associate degree at the same time as a high school diploma. The school boasts a 97% graduation rate and the highest Academic Performance Index score (832) of any high school in San Bernardino or Riverside counties. It has won a federal recognition under the 2008 No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon Schools award. I have talked with many of the students that have been touched by this program. I think that is great. Myself and other have advocated funding to start programs like this all over the country.
This just shows that with some hard work anyone can come close to your dream. Many of the students were ready to fail high school. Then after enrolling in these programs become on the road to success.
The link below shows some of the stories from RCC.
I feel that this has taken many students that would have never graduated on to bigger things in life.
*Please note that the numbers and information was obtained from a SBCCD study that was conducted in 2006-2010
This sounds like a great program. I am a parent in favor of different styles of learning. I think that in this day and time that families should be able to put their kids in any program that will benefit the child's education. The end product is what really matters. As a parent of 4 I know that traditional school is not for every child. My oldest graduated with highest honors from independent study offered by her local high school. Her teacher even gave her the money for her first years books at the college of her choose because he thought she had excelled with the program. My senior boy is currently in continuation, not because of his behavior but because he wanted to fast track his credits to get to college. Yet my youngest would not miss a day of traditional school to save her life. She belongs to every club available. She is president of k-kids the Kionas service organization for kids, she sings in choir, and belongs to the bible study group at school. She wants to be class president for the rest of her life and participate in everything offered. I believe each individual fits into a unique mold and should be able to grow with their education in what ever way will help them meet their life goals.