Posted by: Robert Alexander
Blog Topic: Common Sense (9)
Has any of you been just sitting and thinking why did that person do that ? Is the girl really that stupid ? I hate to say this but many of us have no common sense. What is common sense ? Common sense is what some of would call good judgment. How many of you think you have good judgment ?
Good judgment is doing the right thing when it needs to be done. That’s like saying why did you run that stop sign. Good judgment or common sense would tell you I need to stop. I think that good judgment or common sense is linked with the all the other postings. Would you not agree that hard work, goals, planning, honesty, dependably, your attitude, and humility would give most people common sense. Not completely but it is a start. With these it is hard for a person to use common sense. Good judgment would be to have all of the above mentioned traits.
Some would also say that common sense is part of what we have learned and how we were raised. This is also true. But having a understanding of what is right, what is wrong, what is better, and what is not so good. One can have better common senses and judgment not to do something’s and to do others.
So now I ask you the question ??// did you think you have common senses ? now I ask you this did you work on your essay 2 assignment 72 hours before it was do or did you wait until the last minute. If you said you rushed to complete the assignment you did not use your better judgment ……
Good post, Liked your quote. I know it is hard for Democrats to have a good attitude with Osama, I mean Obama running the white house. I give you a gold star for your great attitude!